A colonial, who had a case for damages impending at the law courts. 一个即将在法院吃官司被要求进行损失赔偿的殖民地居民。
Abortion was legal under colonial law before the attacks. 在受攻击之前,堕胎是合乎殖民地的法律的。
Applying Uti Possidetis Juris Principle to solve territorial disputes is to recognize that the territory that the Colonial Countries have occupied is in accord with international law when they are getting independent. 按照依法占有原则处理领土争端,就是承认殖民地国家独立时已经占有的领土是符合国际法的。
In colonial time the relationship between indigenous law of Ghana and exotic western law was complex, after independence Ghana inherited the legal heritage of the Protectorate British and stressed on excavating the value of indigenous law, so the process of legal modernization is tortuous. 殖民时期加纳本土法与外来的西方法之间关系错综复杂,独立后的加纳继承了宗主国英国的法律遗产,重视发掘固有习惯法的价值,其现代化历程可谓曲折发展。
During the colonial era, the impact of Portuguese law on African customary law mainly included three ways: on administration, African customary law was weakened by enlarging the powers of the colonial government etc. 殖民时期葡萄牙法对非洲习惯法的影响主要表现在三个方面:行政方面,通过扩大殖民行政权力,控制非洲传统酋长,限制黑人参政议政权等削弱习惯法的作用;
American law, which took shape from the colonial period to the 1870s, is the Americanized English common law. 美国法是英国普通法的美国化,它的形成始于殖民地时期,完成于19世纪70年代。
However, western countries began to abolish it after the bourgeois revolution, thus affecting a multitude of colonial or semi-colonial countries 'criminal law in Asia, Africa and Latin America in the world. 但是,资产阶级革命后,西方国家掀起了废除没收财产刑的浪潮,由此影响了亚、非、拉广大地域的殖民地、半殖民地国家的刑法。
The colonial era of legal transplant is external factors promote, in India, for example expounds local law and foreign law is how to fusion between. 殖民时代的法律移植是外界因素推动下进行的,以印度为例阐述了本土的法律和外来的法律之间是如何融合的。
During the English colonial rule, Fanti law received the Common law, and then changed traditional system of land and personal property, perfected the traditional marriage system. 殖民时期的芳蒂习惯法受英国普通法的影响,改变了传统的土地和个人财产制度,完善了传统家庭婚姻制度。
African countries have suffered colonial rule by Europe countries, and form diversified law. 非洲国家在近代遭受了欧洲殖民统治,非洲法律对欧洲法律的继受与融合,使非洲法律呈现多元化。